Small Business Scam Alert! Relay Phone Operator Scam

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice... 

I will Google the scenario & maybe I won't get snookered.

Here's what happened:I received a relay call from a potential client a few weeks ago.  Yes, I have received a relay call before.  Yes, I will repeat my greeting. "Hello! This is Adriel the Organizer."

If you've never received a relay call, Wikipedia describes it as "an operator service that allows people who are deafhard of hearingdeafblind, or have a speech disorder to place calls to standard telephone users via a keyboard or assistive device." 

So, here I am, taking notes & asking questions (What made you call a professional organizer?) when suddenly the operator declares "your caller has disconnected."  Ok, my relay call etiquette must be off.  Maybe I didn't talk fast enough. 

I didn't have time to ask for her to repeat her email address. No, the operator cannot repeat the information once the caller has disconnected.  Ok.  I understand. Nora, the caller, has my contact information - phone & email. Everything is fine.

Two weeks later I receive an email.  It's Nora!  She remembered me!

Yay!  Closets are my FAVORITE thing to organize.  I have a fabulous contractor for building them. I reply & look forward to this new project.  I send her an invitation to my HOUZZ profile so we can collaborate on closet ideas together.

Shortly after the email arrives I get another relay call.  Yes, I received the email.  Yes, I am ready for the project. Yes, I look forward to the information you can send me about the project.  The operator says my caller has disconnected again.

This email arrived yesterday.  Now my spidey-senses are tingling.  Something seems off.  Do you see it?  

Let me explain - Point Harbor, where I share an office with my husband's machine shop (Underground Machine Works) - is a tiny, tiny place just before you cross the Wright Brothers Bridge on to the Outer Banks.  Wikipedia (I know, I know, but still, they are a good resource for this type of stuff) says we have "an estimated permanent population of about 100".  

This new client says she has bought a house just around the corner from our offices?  In an extremely small warehouse district? I am suspicious. 

The town name is obviously cut, pasted & in a different font. I am suspicious.  

The language is foreign sounding - not like a deaf person has written to me but more like one of those scam emails you get when you try to sell something on Craigslist. I am suspicious.  

The term "all major credit cards" is not wording I have ever heard any real person use in conversation.  I am suspicious.

I immediately receive a follow up relay phone call.  Yes, I have received a relay call before.  Yes, I received your email. Yes, I will get back to you ASAP.  Your caller has disconnected.  

Before I also hang up I ask the operator "what do I do if I believe a call is a scam?" She says it's so hard to prove anything, but I can let the operator know & the number goes on a watch list. Although they are duty bound to relay the calls, the watch list numbers are identified to the receiver as being flagged as a possible scam.  Ok.  I tuck that information away.

Now I Google "relay call scams".  It's a real thing - a great way to disguise your identity & scare people into doing what they want.  What business wants to find themselves suspicious of a person just because they have a special need?  
According to this article in Bloomberg Business Week the National Association for the Deaf  says “these scams threaten the legitimacy of our own calls and lead to businesses sometimes refusing to accept relay calls altogether.” I am suspicious.  But I also want to use good business practices to remain open to real client needs. 

I carefully crafted my reply... maybe some very specific questions will lead to very specific answers?

This morning, at 5 am, I receive this email:

My office phone starts ringing repeatedly at 8 am.  It's Nora. I don't accept any of the calls until 9:30.  I am a bit shorter this time. Yes, I have received a relay call before. Yes, I received your email. Yes, I will get back to you ASAP.  Your caller has disconnected.  

I immediately Google the specific address (not in our little town, as originally indicated, but in the next town over). The house is for sale.  I call my friend, real estate agent Dawn Butcher at Caldwell Banker Seaside Realty.  She is intrigued & is excited to help me flush out a scam-ster. 

I call the agent on the listing, John Leatherwood also at Coldwell Banker Seaside Realty.  I ask him if he can give me any information on whether that property was sold to a deaf woman.  Not only is the house not sold, it doesn't even have any offers on it.  He is also intrigued.  What could they possibly hope to gain?  I tell him they haven't asked for anything yet.  But it's coming.

Evidently Ms. Nora Jones, in whatever country she's in, knows how to Google too.  She (or he, or them?!?) Goggle-d my business, my location & even houses for sale in my service area.  I have to say, with all that closet talk, she knew how to reach an organizer's heart.  *sigh*

As soon as I was able to confirm that the specific address I was given was a lie, I returned the call to the relay number.  The operator immediately put the call through, but my party was not available.  Before the operator could disconnect I asked if I could report a fraudulent call.  He said they did not have a resource for that, stopped himself & wisely passed me on to a supervisor.  The woman was curt but professional.  She noted the phone number but the email address & name were something so easy to make up that the information I had would be of no help to them. Thank you.

What a sad thing to abuse such a wonderful resource.

I will still gladly accept relay calls.  But now I know...

You almost fooled me once.

Identity Theft - How Being Organized Can Help You Stop It

So, it seems that part of the joy is living in South Carolina now means that the government has compromised my identity...

Here are so great tips from CSID ( , the company hired to clean up the mess:
You can see that it takes some vigilance & organization on your part to keep yourself as safe as possible.
"How to Prevent Identity Theft
Identity theft is a serious problem affecting more people every day. That's why learning how to prevent it is so important. Knowing how to prevent identity theft makes your identity more secure. The more people who know how to prevent identity theft, the less inclined others may be to commit the crime. 
Preventing identity theft starts with managing your personal information carefully and sensibly. We recommend a few simple precautions to keep your personal information safe:

Only carry essential documents with you.
• Not carrying extra credit cards, your Social Security card, birth certificate or passport with you outside the house can help you prevent identity theft. 

Keep new checks out of the mail.
• When ordering new checks, you can prevent identity theft by picking them up at the bank instead of having them sent to your home. This makes it harder for your checks to be stolen, altered and cashed by identity thieves.

Be careful when giving out personal information over the phone.
• Identity thieves may call, posing as banks or government agencies. To prevent identity theft, do not give out personal information over the phone unless you initiated the call.

Your trash is their treasure.
• To prevent identity theft, shred your receipts, credit card offers, bank statements, returned checks and any other sensitive information before throwing it away.

Make sure others are keeping you safe.
• Ensure that your employer, landlord and anyone else with access to your personal data keeps your records safe.

Stay on top of your credit.
• Make sure your credit reports are accurate and that you sign up for a credit monitoring service, which can alert you by email to changes in your credit report – a helpful way to prevent identity theft.

Protect your Social Security Number.
• To prevent identity theft, make sure your bank does not print your Social Security Number on your personal checks.

Follow your credit card billing cycles closely.
• Identity thieves can start by changing your billing address. Making sure you receive your credit card bill every month is an easy way to prevent identity theft.

Keep a list of account numbers, expiration dates and telephone numbers filed away.
• If your wallet is stolen, being able to quickly alert your creditors is essential to prevent identity theft.

Create passwords or PIN numbers out of a random mix of letters and numbers.
• Doing so makes it harder for identity thieves to discover these codes, and makes it easier for you to prevent identity theft."

Source CSID

The Intrepid Declutterer needs your VOTE to win the $250,000 CHASE Mission Main St Grant!

The Intrepid Declutterer 

has applied for a $250,000 grant from 

CHASE Mission Main Street Grants -


has submitted a business plan

but we need to receive at least 250 votes

to be eligible for the next process in the grant. 

Please help us reach our goal by voting before 

November 15!


#CHASE #grant #MissionMainSt

Garage Week - Tip #3 Label It Up



TIP #3


Masking tape, name tags, or polaroids.  Whatever you need to make sure you know what is where.

Try labeling all 4 sides of a container as well as it's lid.  That way no matter which way you store the box, you always know what is in it.  

(Clear containers go a long way to clearing up the mystery as well)

If you get stuck or need help getting started
with your organizing project...
sc 864.884.9686      nc 828.338.2112

Need a new closet to hang those tidy clothes in?  
sc 864.288.0257      nc 828.684.9282

Photo Courtesy of Carolina Closets

Garage Week - TIP #2 Like with Like



TIP #2

Like with Like

You will see this organizing adage a lot. Like with like in the garage can mean that when you are ready to wash the car, do home repairs, or get dirty in the garden all the tools & hardware you need to complete your project is all together & ready to go.

Doesn't that sound nice?
If you get stuck or need help getting started
with your organizing project...
sc 864.884.9686      nc 828.338.2112

Need a new closet to hang those tidy clothes in?  
sc 864.288.0257      nc 828.684.9282

Photo Courtesy of Carolina Closets